Monday, February 21, 2005


Reference:Seti@Home Technical News

February 20, 2005 - 18:45 UTC
The data server NAS box may be OK at this point, although we have not subjected it to the full production load yet. We currently have the data server turned off so that the file deleter can at least partially clear a large backlog of workunit and result files that are scheduled for deletion. This backlog is a hold over problem from when our database server was on a slow machine. Validation and assimilation are both currently on.

February 19, 2005 - 15:15 UTC
We have had trouble this week with the NAS box that stores the result and workunit files (ie the upload and download directories - aka ULDL). After several months of flawless functioning it has started to hang for, as yet, mysterious reasons. The vendor is working closely with us to resolve the problem. The ULDL is a terabyte in size and we don't have the capability to just move it to other storage, even temporarily. We are looking at work arounds. Unfortunately the project will be going up and down as we work on this.
The new database server (as opposed to the currently troublesome data server) continues to run well.

難怪這禮拜連線很不穩定 orz

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